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Garhwal Taxi

Book your taxi with our hassle free booking process. With few clicks on your mobile, you can book a reliable and comfortable ride to your destination.

4.9/5 Trust Score Rated

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Best Cab Service in Dehradun

Why Choose Garhwal Travel Services (GTS)

We provide best taxi services in Uttarakhand. Our first priority is customer safety.

Best Taxi Drivers

Our driver are well trained & very professional

Sanitized Cars

Our staff Clean and Sanitized cars after each trip.


We know the value of your time, so we reached at location before 10 minutes.

24/7 support

We are always ready to provide your any support during trip.

Customer Reviews

Mr. Tyagi Exceptional Ride Experience with a Top-notch Cab Driver!

I recently had the pleasure of riding with an outstanding cab driver " Pritam", and I can't express enough how exceptional my experience was. From start to finish, Pritam demonstrated the epitome of professionalism, courtesy, and skill.

Rohini Title: Seamless Travel Experience with Garhwal Travel - A Top-notch Taxi Agency!

I recently utilized the services of Garhwal Travel for a taxi ride, and I am delighted to share my positive experience. From the moment I made the booking to reaching my destination, Garhwal Travel demonstrated a level of service that exceeded my expectations.

Kanchan Exceptional Service

I recently had the pleasure of using Garhwal Travel for my transportation needs, and I couldn't be more impressed. From the outset, their customer service was stellar, providing a hassle-free booking experience. The taxi arrived promptly, and I was greeted by a friendly and professional driver. The vehicle was clean, well-maintained, and equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable journey.

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